Thursday, May 7, 2020


The Associated Press reported this morning that the Trump administration has killed the new proposed guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control for the reopening of areas of American life, including churches. 

The seventeen-page document from the CDC was leaked to the press early last week as it was sent to the White House for approval. It gave detailed directives on how to reopen churches such as no choirs, face masks for everyone, six-feet distancing, no commonly handled items, and no common food service. It was believed that the White House would officially release the document to the public last Friday. That did not happen. Now, the AP is reporting the document has been scrapped.  

Find today's AP report here .

As of the information we have now, we can only speculate on why the administration killed the new guidelines. What we do know from all reporting is that the Trump administration has turned to a new focus, the reelection of the president. The November election is now less than six months away. The administration's concern now is less on the pandemic and more on politics. One may assume this is what underlay their decision to scrap the CDC guidelines, that is, they felt it was not politically advantageous.

What this means for the churches as they approach re-opening is unclear. The present CDC guidelines online are vague and general. Apparently churches are on their own to decide what to do in the context of the local orders on closures and re-openings. It looks as if there will be no national guidance on the re-opening of churches.