Friday, June 28, 2024



Let's be frank, dear reader, last night's battle of Atlanta was a major defeat for the forces of democracy and a big step toward the dark abyss of fascism. No one who values our constitutional democratic republic can be happy today. 

It was a defeat because Biden played right into the hands of his enemies, even more so than anyone had imagined. He appeared to be very old and at least marginally senile. It did not matter that Trump spewed out a constant stream of lies. Everyone was looking at Biden and shaking their heads at what they saw. 

If this election is about Biden, Trump wins. If this election is about Trump, Biden wins. Right now it is about Biden.

Does the debate guarantee Trump will win? Of course not. We still have four months to go before the election in November. 

As I see it, the pro-democracy party has two choices in the cold light of this morning. One, convince Biden to step aside and nominate someone else at the Democratic Convention. Two, trot Biden out soon and often holding press conferences to show that last night was not typical of the man's abilities. Both of these choices are highly problematical. Removing Biden at this stage would be a major disruption that would bring in its own set of problems. I doubt that it can be done. Hauling Biden out before the cameras again runs the risk that he could actually reinforce the anti-democratic charges that he is not up to the job. If Biden appears to be too old, once again, that might very well seal his fate. It is a lose-lose situation. 

That is why I am on the verge of despair today for my country. However, Biden is a survivor. He is now faced with the biggest challenge of his political life. He has overcome several disasters in his personal life. I, as everyone else, will be watching to see if he can overcome this one too.

If Biden wins, our constitutional democratic republic wins. If Trump wins, our country will veer off its historic track into a fascist state. Trump has made it abundantly clear he will discard the constitution and rule as a dictator. The Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" lays this out in minute detail. This time, the anti-democratic forces are well prepared to take action immediately. 

It is up to the American people to decide. Do we as a people want democracy or fascism? Sad to say, we are a lot closer to fascism today than we were this time yesterday. Peace.