On Mar. 6, I posted "New Membership Statistics..." and on Mar. 10-11, "A Closer Look at DSC's Membership Statistics." These were studies of the communicant mumbers listed by the 50 parishes and missions that adhered to Bp Lawrence in the schism of 2012. The point of the posts was to discern membership trends in these churches as related to the schism.
In case one may want the specific data for each DSC church, I am providing the figures for 2005, 2008 (the year Lawrence arrived), 2011 (the last full year before the schism), and 2016 (four years after the schism). Then, the 2005-2016 change by number and percentage. Thus, parishioners can see exactly how their parishes fared in this 11 year period around the schism.
ST. HELENA'S, Beaufort, 2005-1,200; 2008-1,541; 2011-1,737; 2016-880. -330, -27%.
CHURCH OF THE CROSS, Bluffton, 2005-1,260; 2008-1,481; 2011-1,701; 2016-1,790. +530, +42%.
ST. LUKE'S, Hilton Head, 2005-862; 2008-1,016; 2011-951; 2016-581. -281, -33%.
HOLY TRINITY, Grahamville, 2005-146; 2008-160; 2011-98; 2016-97. -49, -34%.
ST. JUDE'S, Walterboro, 2005-216; 2008-222; 2011-200; 2016-221. +21, +10.
CATHEDRAL, ST. LUKE AND ST. PAUL, Charleston, 2005-316; 2008-329; 2011-305; 2016-220. -96, -32%.
ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL, Charleston, 2011-39; 2016-53.
ST. MICHAEL'S, Charleston, 2005-1,349; 2008-1,542; 2011-1,847; 2016-915. -434, -37%.
ST. PHILIP'S, Charleston, 2005-1,289; 2008-2,419; 2011-2,677; 2016-1,069. -220, -17%.
CHRIST CHURCH, Mt. Pleasant, 2005-925; 2008-1,117; 2011-935; 2016-328. -597, -65%.
HOLY CROSS, Sullivans Island, 2005-936; 2008-1,564; 2011-2,540; 2016-900. -36, -4%.
HOLY TRINITY, Charleston, 2005-129; 2008-81; 2011-96; 2016-103. -26, -20%.
OLD SAINT ANDREW'S, Charleston, 2005-567; 2008-634; 2011-962; 2016-446. -121, -21%.
ST. ANDREW'S MISSION, Charleston, 2011-38; 2016-55.
ST. JAMES'S, Charleston, 2005-621; 2008-579; 2011-612; 2016-500. -121, -21%.
GOOD SHEPHERD, Charleston, 2005-261; 2008-242; 2011-302; 2016-245. -16, -6%.
TRINITY, Edisto, 2005-220; 2008-164; 2011-183; 2016-157. -63, -28%.
ST. JAMES'S, Goose Creek, 2011-12; 2016-15.
OUR SAVIOUR, Johns Island, 2005-370; 2008-139; 2011-195; 2016-170. -200, -54%.
ST. JOHN'S, Johns Island, 2005-611; 2008-663; 2011-566; 2016-654. +43, +7%.
ST. PAUL'S, Summerville, 2005-1,018; 2008-609; 2011-773; 2016-538. -480, -47%.
CHRIST/ST. PAUL'S, Yonges Island, 2005-355; 2008-395; 2011-330; 2016-260. -95, -27%.
ST. PAUL'S, Bennettsville, 2005-63; 2008-74; 2011-61; 2016-65. +2, +3%.
ST. DAVID'S, Cheraw, 2005-110; 2008-150; 2011-113; 2016-34. -76, -69%.
ST. MATTHEW'S, Darlington, 2005-235; 2008-117; 2011-139; 2016-148. -87, -37%.
ST. BARNABAS, Dillon, 2005-46; 2011-47; 2011-47; 2016-37. -9, -20%.
ALL SAINTS, Florence, 2005-310; 2008-195; 2011-144; 2016-130. -180, -58%.
CHRIST CHURCH, Florence, 2005-37; 2008-29; 2011-49; 2016-2. -35, -94%.
ST. JOHN'S, Florence, 2005-461; 2008-503; 2011-453; 2016-423. -38, -8%.
ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S, Hartsville, 2005-170; 2008-160; 2011-160; 2016-135. -35, -21%.
ADVENT, Marion, 2011-27; 2016-16.
HOLY COMFORTER, Sumter, 2005-639; 2008-679; 2011-525; 2016-283. -356, -56%.
HOLY CROSS, Stateburg, 2005-118; 2008-151; 2011-177; 2016-94. -24, -20%.
ST. PAUL'S, Conway, 2005-332; 2008-270; 2011-270; 2016-202. -130, -39%.
PRINCE GEORGE WINYAH, Georgetown, 2005-332; 2008-380; 2011-450; 2016-645. +316, +96%.
TRINITY, Myrtle Beach, 2005-622; 2008-584; 2011-595; 2016-284. -338, -54%.
RESURRECTION, Surfside, 2005-685; 2008-569; 2011-282; 2016-287. -398, -58%.
HOLY APOSTLES, Barnwell, 2005-66; 2008- -; 2011-91; 2016-95. +29; +44%.
EPIPHANY, Eutawville, 2005-140; 2008-151; 2011-75; 2016-85. -55, -39%.
ST. MATTHEW'S, Ft. Motte, 2005-81; 2008-78; 2011-71; 2016-94. +13, +16%.
REDEEMER, Orangeburg, 2005-346; 2008-321; 2011-265; 2016-183. -163, -47%.
ST. PAUL'S, Orangeburg, 2005-81; 2008-35; 2011-19-; 2016-17. -64, -79%.
REDEEMER, Pineville, 2005-82; 2008-80; 2011-82; 2016-78. -4, -5%.
TRINITY, Pinopolis, 2005-273; 2008-187; 2011-184; 2016-159. -114, -42%.
ST. MATTHIAS, Summerton, 2005-104; 2008-125; 2011-128; 2016-144. +40, +38.
The local churches that reported 2005-2016 showed 33 with loss of communicants and 8 with gains.
8 parishes and missions showed losses over 50%; and most of these reported the greatest loss after the schism: St. Paul's, Orangeburg; St. David's, Cheraw; Christ Church, Mt. Pleasant; Resurrection, Surfside; All Saints, Florence; Trinity, Myrtle Beach, Our Saviour, Johns Island; Holy Comforter, Sumter.
Conclusion --- most DSC churches showed gains in membership for the several years before the schism. Most showed sharp drops in membership after the schism. On the whole, the decade around the schism of 2012 has seen a depression among the numbers of communicants of most of the 50 local churches that went along with the schism. Moreover, the data show a clear downward trend in the DSC churches.