Saturday, May 1, 2021



MAY 1, 2021

8:00 a.m. EDT.    

Welcome happy morning! And, greetings to you, blog reader, on this most glorious day. In all probability, within the day, the good people of the Diocese of South Carolina will have a bishop-elect. We have to call him or her "bishop-elect," because technically he or she cannot be a bishop until approval by a majority of bishops and Standing Committees of the Episcopal Church.

There are five nominees for bishop-elect. As everyone knows, they are all fine people and any one would make a good bishop. However, only one of them can be chosen. This is the task of the day, to decide which one of the five best fits the needs of the people of the diocese. And, this is a decision the people have to make. I think we all have to trust their good judgment. They have certainly shown good judgment so far. They stood and fought for human rights when the crowd was against them. From day one, I have been lost in admiration for the heroic people of the Diocese of South Carolina. I still am.

I got up before dawn this morning so I could enjoy one of my favorite things, to watch the sun rise over my garden. I can see part of my garden from my bedroom window. In the peaceful quiet and stillness of the hour, I watch in awe as the sun's rays illuminate the tops of the trees then gradually everything all the way down to the ground. In the end, the earth dazzles in the radiance of the new light, and right now, in the full glory of the springtime. There is nothing more beautiful and wonderful in the world than to watch the glorious new day emerge. 

A glorious new day will be emerging in South Carolina too. I will return to make a running commentary on the election, before the hour of 9:00 a.m. Right now I am off to my garden for a morning devotional. 

8:45 a.m.     I am back after enjoying the beauty of my garden in the early morning of a perfect spring day. I am refreshed and ready to go.

If you are watching and not participating in the election convention, you should be tuned into YouTube and the Diocese of South Carolina. The "Electing Convention" page is posted.

8:58 a.m.     Second cup of coffee at hand. Saying a last minute prayer for the delegates and people of the Diocese of South Carolina. Ready for the convention to begin in a few seconds.

9:08 a.m.     Audio and video begins on YouTube. Proceedings to begin momentarily.

9:11-9:37 a.m.     Morning Prayer. Bishop Parsley gave the homily.

9:38 a.m.     Rev. Caleb Lee called the convention to order. Thomas Tisdale named as parliamentarian of the meeting. Resolutions adopted to name secretary and provide for virtual convention.

9:54 a.m. A practice ballot. 5 minutes allotted.

10:04 a.m.     Chair called 10 minute break. 

10:23 a.m.     Meeting resumed. Chair placed the five names into nomination. Called for discussion. No discussion.

10:27 a.m.     FIRST BALLOT begins. Balloting allotted for 10 minutes to be followed by break. Chair announced plan to resume meeting at 10:55 a.m. Moved to 11:05 a.m.

11:11     Results of First Ballot announced:

Woodliff-Stanley  Lay-8 (41%),  Clergy-19 (56%)

Walpole  Lay-3.5,  Clergy-7

Lee  Lay-5,  Clergy-6

Hoare  Lay-2,  Clergy-1

Johnson  Lay-1,  Clergy-1

Woodliff-Stanley carried the majority in the Clergy Order but not in the Lay Order. Walpole came in second in the Clergy Order and third in the Lay Order. It is clear the diocese wants the new bishop to be a woman. 

On the Second Ballot, W-S needs to pick up two votes in the Lay Order to secure the majority. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley was clearly the first choice in both orders.

11:26     Call for Second Ballot. Coverage scheduled to resume at 12:00 p.m.

Ruth Woodliff-Stanley has already secured the majority in the Clergy Order. She must win at least 2 more votes to carry the Laity Order. That would give her a concurrent majority in the two orders and the election.

Meeting to resume at 12:15 p.m. 

E L E C T I O N !

The Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley wins as bishop-elect of the Diocese of South Carolina.

Second Ballot:

W-S  Lay-13 (67%),  Clergy-26 (77%)

Walpole  Lay-3,  Clergy-6

Lee  Lay-3,  Clergy-2

Hoare  Lay-.5,  Clergy-0

Johnson  Lay-0,  Clergy-0

12:33 p.m. Meeting adjourned.

Now, the majority of bishops and of the Standing Committees of the Episcopal Church must give consent to the election of Woodliff-Stanley within the next 120 days. If so, she will be ordained and consecrated the XV bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina on:

October 2, 2021



Historic Day! Historic in many ways. First, the Diocese of South Carolina is back. After eight and a half years without a diocesan bishop, the diocese is about to have a new one. First, too in having a bishop who is a woman.

This is a great step in the healing and rebuilding of a great diocese that was decimated by people who thought they knew better than the combined wisdom of the church. The courts still have to rule finally on who owns the entity of the pre-schism diocese and who owns the bulk of the parish properties. Regardless of what the courts finally decide, the diocese can now move on with new life. 

For the good and long-suffering people of the Diocese of South Carolina, and for all of us, this is a moment of great rejoicing for many reasons. Te Deum laudamus.