Saturday, April 30, 2022



The aftermath of the SC Supreme Court has prompted several letters to the editor about how each side should react to the unexpected settlement. Today's letter is unusually poignant and well worth posting here.

Dear Dr. Caldwell,

In a recent "Padre's Pondering" video posted on Facebook, found HERE, Jonathan Riddle, Associate Rector of The Church of the Cross in Bluffton, SC, gives his viewers a video tour of his office, describing a few of the many things he has collected and been given over thirty years of ministry. Near the end he tells the story of sending a letter to the Evangelical author and speaker, Elizabeth Elliot, who recalled for him in her reply the quote, "In acceptance of peace."

I was compelled to post a comment to Fr. Riddle's presentation:

"In acceptance lieth peace."

Are you willing to accept that God loves and embraces all of his children of every age, gender, sexual orientation, and disability through the actions of the Holy Spirit as carried out in his most holy church? Are you willing to accept consequences for turning away from God's people and failing to offer them love and dignity as commanded by Christ? Are you willing to accept that the current circumstances faced by Christians in the Lowcountry is the fruit of sin, and change your ways? Will you honor the legacy and memory of a friend who offered to you the way of peace if you would only accept what comes from dividing God's people? And if not, wherein lies your peace, Father? Where? Perhaps through more of the same? Or would you rather me accept, faithful gay Christian and beloved of God that I am, the peace that you and the members of your church offer?

In recent weeks, my pastor, a Catholic priest, presided over a beautiful worship service in our parish chapel for my husband, a man I deeply loved and who died in my arms early one Monday morning in February. From my pastor and my parish I received nothing but love, affirmation, acceptance---and, yes---a small measure of peace. God's love was richly found in that place and through the love of my parish family---despite the fact that I am a gay man. Yes, in acceptance lieth peace. What peace do you long for, and what are you willing to accept to receive it?

Dr. Caldwell, I fear that the experience of the Episcopal Schism in South Carolina may be wasted on folks who are so firmly entrenched in a gospel of their own making, that even in the face of rejection, they still hold out some hope that their sinful gamble with the assets of God's Church is to their gain. Acceptance goes both ways---accept that their failure is the product of sin and repent, or accept that they are the righteous victims in an evil world out to get them. I fear that the schismatic leaders in SC will settle for the latter.

Thank you!


Israel J. Pattison


A thank you to Mr. Pattison for sharing this with us.

What do you think about the events going on now in SC? Send letters to the editor to the email above.