Sunday, October 25, 2020


The Rt. Rev. William Love, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, has announced his resignation. The effective date is February 1, 2021. 

Find an article on this here .

Find another here .

Find the Episcopal News Service press release about this here .

Love also announced that his ban on Resolution B012 will remain in effect in the diocese until his last day. 

Love was unanimously found guilty of violating his ordination oaths of loyalty to the Episcopal Church by the Disciplinary Board for Bishops. The board was to meet tomorrow to decide on the appropriate punishment which could very well have removed him as a bishop.

As a student of the history of the schism in South Carolina, I am struck by the difference between the way Bishop Lawrence handled SC and the way Bishop Love handled Albany. It is night and day. And so, I for one greatly admire William Love for his honor and integrity. He was faithful to the principles that he fervently believed to be right and true but he also recognized his role in a larger community and respected the necessary unity of that institution. On the other hand, the schismatics in SC believed they, and not the Episcopal Church, were guided by the Holy Spirit. We have seen the bitter fruits of that belief.